
Šalies kodas: Belgija (+32)


23 year old Female Brussels Escort, Belgium Welcome on my page and thank you for stopping. My name Is Alisa I’m 23 years old. I\'m independent. I\'m always happy and smiling. I am a passionate lover and can be the perfect sexy girlfriend and much more.I would love to make our experience together unforgettable and also love to share fantasies and pleasure with smart,intelligent guys who are not afraid to enjoy the best in life. I have a great sense of humor, warm personality... I can assure you that we are gonna have nice time together. I\'m in very clean and good location, very discreet place. Independent, charming, with a natural body, discrete, young and passionate for mens who enjoys pleasure and relaxation. I offer class and good service without rush. I will be very discret about anything what will happen between us. I know you will leave me wanting to come back for more. If do you like affection and tenderness, or maybe just crazy sex? Everything is possible with me. In my bed you will not be bored. Every meeting meeting is individual and confidential. I have all the features an ideal sexual partner - a beautiful slender body, unlimited flight of imagination, an insatiable sexual appetite. If you need a woman\'s affection, sincere attention and new experiences in sex, then I\'m at your service and will do everything to make you feel on top of the world!. You will not be disappointed. I just tireless in bed and I will try to make our Rendezvous a varied and enjoyable. Comfortable atmosphere, sensual tenderness and personal approach to you is guaranteed!


23 Metai
160 cm
52 kg
Krūtinės apimtis
Kūno tipas
Plaukų spalva
Šviesiai rudas


Oralinis seksas



Paslauga skirtas




Keisti bruožai



Sekso skelbimas iš eskorto SARAHBESUCHBARHAUSHOTELBESUCH – Išskirtiniai erotiniai nuotykiai

ALISA4 yra aistringas eskortas, taip pat diskretiška prostitute ir slut.

Siūlomų paslaugų sąrašas apima Oralinis apipjaustymas, Oralinis apipjaustymas be prezervatyvo, Lytinis aktas, Analinis seksas, Pozicija 69, Merginos lytinis santykis, Įpylimas į burną, Įpylimas ant kūno, Įpylimas į veidą, Paslaugos poroms, Bučiavimas, Kalbinis bučinys, Pėdų fetišas, Vibracija, Striptizas, Erotinis masažas, Urinacijos žaidimai – puikiai tinka jausmingam artumui ir švelnumui, primenančiam tikrą romantiką. ALISA4 moka kiekvieną momentą paversti ypatinga patirtimi ir individualiai prisitaikyti prie svečių poreikių.

Susidomėję gali tiesiogiai susisiekti per +32493718164. Ši galimybė neturėtų būti praleista, nes disponavimas yra laikinai ribotas.